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•   Chuck Ritchey  7/27
•   William {Bill} Sprouse  7/28
•   Debra Hope Fuoco (Harman)  7/29
•   Cathy Mask (Talamas)  7/29
•   Paula Barefoot  7/30
•   Dane Waddington  7/30
•   Jan Harris (Gamble)  8/1
•   John Weyer  8/2
•   Gail Burritt (Starry)  8/3
•   Jacki Dinsmore (Nash)  8/4
•   France Dorman  8/6
•   Gail Curran (Pender)  8/9
•   Shelton Hobbs  8/10
•   Gay Rawlins (Staats)  8/12
•   Joan Taylor (Danforth)  8/13
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Robert Kemp (Jr. )  7/22
•   Gary Bain  7/22
•   John Weyer  7/19
•   Karen Lee (Wilds)  7/9
•   Jayne Thurmond (Grant)  7/6
•   Sandi Scott (Rowzee)  7/3
•   Kathy Colfry (Meikel)  6/29
•   Victoria Box (Emmons-Bouzina)  5/31
•   Lynda Frey (Reynolds)  5/28
•   Robert Rogers (Jr. )  5/27
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 64.3%

A:   312   Joined
B:   173   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
7 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
302 live in Florida
32 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
4 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
3 live in Mississippi
3 live in Montana
2 live in Nebraska
1 lives in New Hampshire
2 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
19 live in North Carolina
2 live in Oregon
4 live in Pennsylvania
9 live in South Carolina
10 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
7 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Switzerland
40 location unknown
99 are deceased

Welcome to the

Robert E. Lee High School

Class of 1968 website.

This is a permanent website for all alumni from the Class of 1968 at Robert E. Lee High School in Jacksonville, Florida. We welcome all who graduated as part of the graduating class of 1968 as well as classmates who moved away prior to graduation or finished at a different school. You are all welcome here!

This site is not about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines...
It's about lifelines,
And about reconnecting with friends
From some of the best years of our lives.

Click below to link to the websites of the Class of '67 or Class of '69:

Robert E. Lee Class of 1967

Robert  .E. Lee Class of 1969

If you would like to join either of the above class websites as a guest, just click on the desired site, and send an email to the desired class website administrator using the "Contact Us."