Remember When

 Do you remember when the Internet first started? - 1996 - 2004 - 1994 - 1996 - 1995 - 1995 - 1995



(PLEASE NOTE: All new material added to this page will be at the bottom -)




The great drive-in culture of our era was a unique and fascinating experience, and a very special treat on a Saturday night. I remember my Mom making this huge paper bag full of popcorn to put on the backseat between my legs. I loved watching her salt it, and the grease stains from the butter along with the huge brown stains on the bottom of the sack. I always went in my pajamas. That was the best part of all. Then, when the sun sank down below the rim of the trees and the majestic rectangle of the movie screen, the action commenced.

There was also nothing like the snack bar. Between movies, the snack bar was Grand Central Station. And was it any wonder? They had all sorts of candy, popcorn, ice cream and soft drinks. If you needed it, they had it. If you wanted to check out the girls, go to the snack bar. If you just wanted to get away from your parents- well, snack bar city.






School Days








First Grade




 Second Grade



3rd & 4th Grades





5th Grade



6th Grade



It was a well known fact that girls were smarter than boys.  It didn't matter who she was; if she was female, she was smarter.

Girls were well-behaved and paid attention in class. They had good penmanship and raised their hands often. Is it any wonder why us guys would have nothing to do with them?


 How about the safe monkey bars at the playground?




 What about those school holidays?





 Any of these look familar?


   Wasn't that the best .10 you ever spent?



How about those Root Beer floats?




Then of course.........






Click below for a photo/music compiliation of the last 50 years -

(HINT: Click "Fullscreen" in the upper left)



Who can forget those colorforms?




Remember how fast you had to dial to be that "First Caller"?


  Who didn't love                Sunday Mornings with Davey & Goliath   
Captain Kangaroo?




Remember this Dept. Store? - The "Walmart" of the 70's 




What's SPF anyhow?

Wasn't this the stuff that turned you orange?




"Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific" Shampoo -

This stuff couldn't have been that bad, as they still sell it today at only one place - The Vermont Country Store in Weston, VT.











Cancer, Yes....But at least No throat irritation 


...the world was young and so were we. 




Some of our all time favorites




A woman knew where her place was in 1955




We were taught our values..... 



Remember Mom collecting these at the grocery store? 



               What's a PC?                        Forget the plastic ones today




 How about that Little League excitement?



When gas station attendants not only pumped your gas but fixed your car



Forget the iPods at the beach...



Remember when aluminum foil was an electronic term?



How about those sophisticated fads...









 Remember these people back then?






















